Advances in Social Sciences and Management 2024-07-15T14:48:45+01:00 Faruk Soban Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Advances in Social Sciences and Management (ASSM)</strong> is an open access and peer-reviewed international journal published on monthly bases. Our journal aims to provide a platform for scholars and practitioners to share their innovative ideas, methods, and findings in the field of social sciences. In this edition, we have assembled a diverse collection of research articles that cover a broad range of topics within the social sciences. Our contributors come from different parts of the world, and their research draws on a range of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. We hope that our readers will find these articles informative and thought-provoking.</p> Beliefs of Employees in A Greek Banking Institution About the Role of Leadership and The Possibility of Transforming the Bank into A Learning Organization 2024-06-10T17:14:06+01:00 Aggelos Kavasakalis Chrysoula Mylona <p>Lifelong education in the workplace and the training of human resources are a primary objective for enterprises in the era of the knowledge society and lifelong learning in order to ensure their sustainability, growth and increased profitability. The alignment of the goals and actions implemented, the shared vision and the organizational culture that develops in an organization, together with the exercise of effective and innovative leadership by its senior managers, can contribute to its efforts to evolve and ultimately become a learning organization. This paper presents an analysis of a Greek bank's efforts to transform into a learning organization, focusing on employees' perceptions of this possibility and the role of leadership in the process. A total of 153 questionnaires were collected, with employees responding to closed-ended questions and statements. The research analyses the key principles for learning organizations and the role of transformational leadership using a descriptive and dynamic statistical approach. The findings and conclusions contribute to the understanding of transformational leadership practices.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aggelos Kavasakalis, Chrysoula Mylona Comprehensive Understanding of Psychological Traits in Entrepreneurial Achievements Through Insights from the Strategic Way 2024-07-03T15:22:02+01:00 NW Chanka Lasantha Ravindra Koggalage <p>The purpose of the study is to recapitulate the psychological traits that play a crucial role in either the success or failure of entrepreneurs with the case study of Elon Musk and Elizabeth Holmes. Through the sacrifices of presently successful entrepreneurs, this work points out specific psychological traits such as swinging in the risks, resilience, vision, and ethical character that give the business the edge. The strategic vision, gamete behaviour, and integrity Elon Musk displays at Space X and Tesla are manifestations of these characteristics combined with responsible business ethics and future thinking skills. Whereas Elizabeth Holmes, the CEO of Theranos, refers to specific forms of leadership destruction of empathy, authenticity, and teamwork that caused severe business and moral misconduct. This analysis provides critical and essential psychological and ethical frameworks and backbones that either give way for or break down entrepreneurial success; therefore, our aspiring and current entrepreneurs have a lot to gain from it.</p> 2024-07-11T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 NW Chanka Lasantha, Ravindra Koggalage Rethinking Instructional Improvement For Multilingual Learners 2024-07-09T18:08:59+01:00 Joseph G. Claudet <p>Instructional leaders in many K-12 school districts in the United States are facing increasingly difficult challenges associated with providing for the academic development and support needs of the growing numbers of culturally and linguistically diverse students populating their elementary and secondary school classrooms.&nbsp; This article highlights the comprehensive design-based instructional improvement efforts of one high school principal and his intervention task force colleagues working in a high diversity metropolitan school district.&nbsp; The article’s case study showcases how the high school’s instructional improvement leaders utilized <em>multileveled data analysis investigative techniques</em> in conjunction with<em> innovative professional development design strategies</em> derived from the education improvement science literature to develop and implement a comprehensive professional learning intervention program for multiple grade-level teams of core content area teachers and Spanish heritage language teachers.&nbsp; Intervention program implementation efforts focused specifically on: 1) assisting educators in critically examining their own deficit thinking attitudes and instructional planning mindsets regarding the perceived learning capabilities of students learning English as a second language; and 2) jumpstarting these educators’ biliteracy-centered instructional planning and teaching practices to address the unique multilingual academic development needs of the campus’s large population of immigrant/emergent bilingual and other diverse learners. &nbsp;The article concludes with a literature-based discussion of the positive instructional improvement benefits that can accrue to both teachers and students through leveraging multileveled analytic thinking along with design-based intervention program development strategies to significantly expand learning opportunities for culturally and linguistically diverse students.</p> 2024-07-18T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Joseph G. Claudet The Triangle Effect 2024-07-14T17:01:43+01:00 George Zafiropoulos <p>The present work is attempting to make clearer why the social sciences and education uses a triangle as the most common shape to indicate their progress within the scientific subjects that are studied. There are conditions they link those different social parts as philosophy, art, acting, justice, education. The triangle is proven to be the fundamental shape even within the everyday life’s activities.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 George Zafiropoulos Americanization, Schools, and Educators 2024-07-15T14:48:45+01:00 Jaime Grinberg <p>Americanization has served as a pedagogical and curricular practice in American schools since the development of public schools.&nbsp; Its purpose has been to advance a socialization process to solidify national identity, including republicanism, democratic practices, values, commitment to freedom and liberty, and the development of loyalty and belonging.&nbsp; It has taken multiple competing discourse-practices, including acculturalization, deculturalization, enculturation, and multiculturalism. These practices have co-existed and have expected educators to be central in such a process. Grounded on sociohistorical lenses, this paper explores and explains these processes.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jaime Grinberg