Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the construction industry: A review of Observational Studies


  • Adesola O Adeloye Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Federal Engineering Research Institute, Ondo, Nigeria
  • Olayemi Diekola Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Federal Engineering Research Institute, Ondo, Nigeria
  • Ken Delvin Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Federal Engineering Research Institute, Ondo, Nigeria
  • Chris Gbenga Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Federal Engineering Research Institute, Ondo, Nigeria


The construction industry faces numerous complex challenges, including cost and time overruns, health and safety concerns, productivity issues, and labor shortages. Additionally, the industry lags behind in terms of digitalization, making it difficult to address these challenges effectively. However, Artificial Intelligence (AI), an advanced digital technology, has the potential to revolutionize the construction industry, much like it has transformed other sectors such as manufacturing, retail, and telecommunications. AI encompasses various subfields, including machine learning, knowledge-based systems, computer vision, robotics, and optimization, all of which have proven successful in improving profitability, efficiency, safety, and security in other industries. Despite the acknowledged benefits of AI applications, the construction industry still faces several challenges in implementing AI effectively. This study aims to explore the applications of AI in the construction industry, examine the AI techniques currently being utilized, and identify both the opportunities and challenges associated with AI implementation. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to assess existing research on AI applications in construction, focusing on areas such as activity monitoring, risk management, and resource and waste optimization. Through this review, the study highlights the potential opportunities for AI applications in the construction industry, specifically in addressing industry-specific challenges. By leveraging AI technologies, construction companies can improve activity monitoring, enhance risk management strategies, and optimize resource allocation and waste reduction. Furthermore, the study identifies and presents the challenges that need to be overcome for successful AI implementation in construction. These challenges may include issues related to data availability and quality, integration with existing systems, ethical considerations, and workforce upskilling. By providing insights into key AI applications tailored to the construction industry's unique challenges, this study offers a pathway to realize the tangible benefits that AI can bring to the industry. It serves as a foundation for future research and development efforts in harnessing AI's potential to revolutionize construction practices.


