Public Policy for Regenerative Medicine in Brazil: Changes in State Capacities


  • Liliana Acero National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT) and the Institute of Economics (IE) Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Rua Conselheiro Lafaiete 104. Ap. 2020 . Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. CEP 220981- 020, Brasil


regenerative medicine, cellular therapy, State capacity, health policymaking, molecular genetics, rare disease patient organizations, State agencies, public health system


Conclusions of ongoing research projects on regulation frameworks, institutional and State capabilities, innovation, media coverage and patient organizations´ practices are the main context of this paper on regenerative medicine in Brazil, comparative to the sector´s global evolution. The present study´s main purpose is to map historically, in a brief manner, trends in State agencies´ capacities to develop main public policies and normative actions on innovation and regulation in the sector and show controversies and their unresolved gaps and conflicts.  It aims at showing the contradictions existing between the high quality of local scientific and medical development, production, distribution and implementation of advanced therapies and the problems faced by State agencies for therapy approval and their full adoption within the public health system, in ways that provide wide public access. The study also considers the incoherence and duplication of efforts found within and between relevant public agencies, the lack of adequate training in the area among key policymakers and their scarce knowledge on strategies directed to media coverage and general public engagement. Their development and the adoption of regenerative medicine by the public health system could become some of the main short-term challenges for the State in Brazil, in the short and medium terms.  The paper concludes that the country would benefit  from declaring regenerative medicine as a strategic sector for scientific and industrial development in the near future and ends mentioning some policy recommendations that could contribute in that direction.


