Climate is Controlled by a New Substance: Artificial Evaporation


  • Oleg Khalidullin


This volume has been formed over the last century and continues to grow at an accelerating rate. The creation of water itself and life on Earth was carried out in their interaction with the atmosphere and the water cycle. The basis of the water cycle in nature is the biocenosis of water and biota. A complex process developed, consisting of precipitation formation, the movement of clouds, the concentration of their volumes, determining the places of precipitation, the movement of water through the soil, the dissolution of soil organic matter and minerals, and the supply of these substances to the roots of plants and animals. Vapors rise from the oceans and other bodies of water. No less, if not more, amount of evaporation goes into the atmosphere from vegetation and living beings (biota). Evaporation from the biota has its own bouquet, unique for each locality, of many individual waste products of respiration and excretions, which form their own conditions for precipitation in the clouds. Over millions of years of interaction between biota and the atmosphere, a special mechanism has been developed that has created a variety of arid zones in terms of precipitation, weather conditions, and diversity of ecosystems. Not only does biota depend on atmospheric conditions, but the atmosphere also depends on biota. It is quite possible that the properties of clouds depend on the quality of the molecules that are lifted up by evaporation. Water has not yet been studied by man and contains many secrets. Especially in its gaseous state. One of them is the processes of sedimentation and distribution of precipitation.


