Manganese 11 Complexes of Salycilhydroxamix Acid with Aniline and Ammonia with Its Properties the Effect on Microorganism


  • Hauwa S. Salith Chemistry Department, University of Abuja, Nigeria
  • Haruna D. Aliyu Chemistry Department, University of Abuja, Nigeria
  • Jamila S. Abdulhadi Agricultural Biotechnology Department, National Biotechnology Development Agency



The salicylichyroxamic acid (SHA) its complex of Mn (II) along with their mixed ligand complexes of ammonia and aniline were prepared in high yields. Both the ligands and complexes were both soluble in methanol, DMSO but are insoluble in chloroform and distilled water. Their melting point were high and falls between 1910C - 400 0C. The IR spectra of the synthesized compound showed the coordination of the ligand through the oxygen of the phenolic NOH and C=O functional groups to the metals.  The electronic spectra of the complexes in methanol showed some observable absorption bands of the following transitions; for Mn(SHA) complex transition is at 6A1g(s) 4T2g, that of Ammonia mixed complex 6A1g(s) 4T2g  and that of Aniline mixed complex 6A1g(s) 4T2g. All the transitions were in the range of those observed for octahedral complexes. The antimicrobial activity of the ligand SHA (C7H7NO3), the complexes and reference drug was study against two bacterial species staphylococcus auerus and Escherichia coli, and one fungi species candida albicans. This was done using agar disc diffusion method measuring the diameter of inhibitions zone for each compound. The Mn (II) complexes produced in this study  showed significant activity against the used micro-organisms.  Therefore, they have potential application as anti-microbial agent.


