Man-Made Disasters in India


  • Vinod Kumar Sociology. Vallabh Government College Mandi Himachal Pradesh 175001 India



Occurrence, Damage, Disruption, Loss, Affected, Diminished


Man-made disasters are major causes of premature death, impaired health status and diminished quality of life. Disaster can be defined as an occurrence that causes damage, ecological disruption, loss of human life or deterioration of health on a large scale sufficient to warrant an extra ordinary response from outside the affected community or area. A hazard is any phenomenon that has the potential to cause a disaster or cause disruption or damage to people and environment. There are many types of disasters beyond those that are usually considered “natural”. The relative number of injuries and deaths differ, depending on a number of factors such as type of disaster, the density and distribution of population, condition of environment, degree of preparedness and the opportunity of warning. This present study focuses on man-made disasters in India.


