The Mechanism of Brain Strokes and Heart Attacks May Be The Same


  • Ermoshkin Vladimir Ivanovich RosNOU, Moscow


Goals: The main goal of all researchers of atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks is the same - to find the cause and mechanism of these diseases. Thanks to this, in the near future, it may be possible to postpone the onset of old age, reduce the number of cardiovascular diseases, and increase the duration of an active human life. Method: Studying information on the Internet, participating in medical conferences, publishing articles. Results: In 2020, the cause of atherosclerosis was found: due to deformation (spasm) of the arteries due to loss of arterial blood volume. As further studies have shown, the discovered mechanism of atherosclerosis, as a response of the walls of the arteries to stress, is the main cause of many dangerous human diseases.


