Adolescent Mental Health in the Wake of Parental Bankruptcy: Exploring the Impact of Greece's Economic Crisis


  • Maria Maniou Nursing Department, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Heraklion, Greece


adolescent mental health, parental bankruptcy, economic crisis, Greece, entrepreneurship


This mini review examines the impact of parental bankruptcy on the mental health of adolescents in Greece in the context of the country's ongoing economic crisis. Results from the reviewed studies indicate that adolescent mental health is significantly affected by parental bankruptcy, with higher rates of depression, anxiety, and stress reported among teenagers with bankrupt parents. Factors such as economic hardship, family conflict, and social stigma are found to exacerbate the negative impact of parental bankruptcy on adolescent mental health. Based on our review, we highlight the need for continued research on this topic and call for the development of targeted interventions to support the mental health of adolescents in Greece during this challenging time.


