Evaluation of Insecticides for the Management of Field Pea Aphids at Arsi and Westarsi Zones, South Eastern Ethiopia


  • Shumi Regassa Gemeda Department of Plant Protection,Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center,Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia


Evaluation, Insecticides, Field pea, Field pea aphids, management, treatments


Aphid is one of a major yield-limiting constraints in field pea production in Ethiopia . Lack of appropriate selection and use of insecticides in controlling pea aphids is also another obstacle and lacking in the study area.Incase to fulfill the gap of information practical evaluation of available or registered insecticides was done in Arsi and West Arsi zones during the 2021 and 2022  Production seasons.Seed of field pea with a total of six treatments; five registered insecticides,one check/null application arranged in RCBD design with three replication were used during the experiment.The analyzed evaluation result showed highly significant(p<0.01) for both field pea aphid infestation % and yield and yield traits. Considering other factors,among the evaluated treatments three insecticide;Dimethoate/ Lifothoate 40EC,Profit72EC/profenofos and Hamectin 3.6 EC respectively are recommended for the test/equivalent  areas on the behalf of  yield and yield component increment.Hence I recommend that appropriate selection and well advised use of insecticides can manage field pea aphids including other non chemical control mechanisms .


