Evaluation of Fenugreek (trigonella foenum graecum) Genotypes Against Powdery Mildew (Erysiphe polygoni) in Ethiopia


  • Shumi Regassa Gemeda Department of Plant Pathology, Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Fenugreek, Powdery mildew, evaluation, resistance, genotypes, field


Background and Objective: Ethiopia has suitable environmental condition for fenugreek production, it grows under agro ecologies ranging from 1800 to 2300 m.a.s.l. Fenugreek is mainly used as an herb (leaves) and as a spice (seed), medicinal value and also as nitrogen fixation and soil enrichment. Perhaps Powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe polygoni is an economically important disease especially during the flowering and pod formation stage on the fenugreek and causes significant loss in grain quality as well as quantity.Hence the present study done with the objectives to identify source of resistance among 100 Ethiopian fenugreek materials for further resistance breeding program and for  identifying high yielding genotypes to ensure sustainable production and productivity. Materials and Methods: The Current study was done using lattice design during 2021/2022 cropping season under natural epidemic conditions to evaluate the fenugreek genotypes obtained from Ethiopian Bio diversity Institute at kulumsa,South Eastern Ethiopia. Result: The current evaluation of fenugreek genotypes against powdery mildew result identified genotypes namely 28601 and 29561 showing moderately resistant reaction and forty three genotypes as moderately resistant type.The remaining 55 genotypes showed susceptible reaction. The Present result also identified the genotypes,31100, 29561 and 212775 were with lower rAUDPC which could cross with 238247 and 9239 which are relatively high yielder. Conclusion: The study results recommended having a crossing program between genotypes 31088,237983 and 20428 and 35190 and 31087 for improved resistance and high yielder. Contemporary results suggested genotypes with moderately susceptible and moderately resistant material for further resistant breeding considering other physio chemical evaluation quality mechanisms including evaluating under greenhouse condition.


