Assessment of the Status and Perception of Farmers on Estrous Synchronization and Mass Artificial Insemination in West Arsi and East Shewa Zones of Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Estrus mass synchronization and artificial insemination, Conception rate, PerceptionAbstract
Assessment of the status of Estrous synchronization and mass artificial insemination (OSMAI) program was conducted at East Shewa and West Arsi Zone of Oromia region, Ethiopia. The assessment was conducted using semi structured questionnaires. A total of 220 respondents were randomly selected from 12 Kebeles and 4 districts where the OSMAI project was initiated. Almost all 91.2% of respondents indicated that they get in estrous synchronization and mass artificial insemination service. Overall 92.4% of animals injected with PGF2α shows sign of heat and of which 87.9% of animals served by artificial insemination whereas the remaining 12.1% served by bull. There is no significant difference in conception rate animals across the study area in which overall rate of conception is 68.9%. The selection of the cattle included in the program were by and large selected based on the decision of the AI technicians. Majority of respondents (68.4%) don’t know about the sire breeds with which their animals crossed. Al most all 99% of the breed and blood level of sire used for crossbreeding is decided by AITs across the study area. The result indicates that 36.5 of calves born was reach for reproduction age and 65.2%, 17.4% and 13% of calves were served by AI, crossbreed and indigenous bulls respectively. The result indicated that there was a significant difference in degree of satisfaction between respondents in which (50 %) of respondents were not satisfied with the service they got with OSMAI and also 51 % of respondents think that peoples living in and near their village were satisfied to some extent with OSMAI service given in their area. More than half (59.5%) the respondents indicated the program has to be continued and scaled up whereas 22.6% indicated the program has to be continued as such. On the other hand 17.9% of respondents indicated that the program success was failure and it should be abandoned. The implementation of breed improvement programs has to be participatory especially farmers has to be aware and engaged for success of the program. Farmers has to know and given the chance for selecting and deciding on breed and blood level of animals with which their animals crossbred.
Copyright (c) 2024 Alemayehu Arega, Yadeta Nigatu, Sisay Eshetu, Abdela Edao

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