Muhammad Nashirudin Al-Bani's Perspective on Takfir Hadith


  • Muhammad Sabri UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, Indonesia
  • Edi Safri UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, Indonesia
  • Rahima Sikumbang UIN Syech Muhammad Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi


Muhammad Nashirudin Albani, Takfir, Hadith


The Wahhabi Salafi group often quotes the opinion of Sheikh Nahsirudin Albani in matters of religious teachings. Meanwhile, Salafi-Wahhabi groups often disapprove of their fellow believers and religions. Of course Syekh Muhammad Nahsirudin Albani was indirectly accused of being the embryo of takfir teachings, while what the author found from Syekh Muhammad Nashirudin Albani's thoughts is that it is not that easy to disbelieve fellow Muslims, so it is interesting to examine more deeply how Muhamman Nashirudin Albani's understanding of the hadiths of Takfir. The research methodology is descriptive qualitative, using a library research approach which is not field research, but works with books and scientific works related to Shaykh Nashirudin Albani. The data analysis technique is collecting data, reading it, analyzing it, then drawing conclusions objectively. The findings show that a person cannot be said to be a disbeliever if he has never clearly stated and is believed by heart that someone is really against the law of Allah SWT, or considers the law of Allah SWT to be irrelevant. As for those who commit big or small sins, as long as they do not openly oppose the law of Allah SWT, they are fasiq and immoral.


