Echoes of Speculation Underway in Relations Between the Occident and China


  • Giovanni Antonio Cossiga Collegio sindaci Policlinico Umberto 1, Università Sapienza – ROMA



Social rapports, constant & coordinated development, collectivity reason, speculation waves


In a previous article I talked about speculative waves in sequence that have hit the global economy since the 2000s in a world struggling with deflation. Well, this wave of speculation has not stopped but today it seems to concern the transfer of industrial plants from the West to China. A process that was born with the good intentions of transferring industrial activities to developing countries with the dual objective. Give a boost to the economy in developing areas and at the same time reduce the management costs of large multinationals' plants. A process therefore that was born with a positive sign in the intent to help a coordinated development of the territories and a reduction in the costs of industrial products. Meanwhile, the objective of coordinating the development of the territories and continents has not been achieved and on the contrary the process has led to an almost exclusive delocalization of industrial production from the West to China. The excess of industrial localization has exacerbated the concentration of unassimilable waste with a worsening of the disease of the planet struggling with atmospheric overheating. The process, therefore, has been slowed down but not stopped for natural reasons. On the other hand, the acceleration of the development of the Chinese economy has also marked a halt coinciding with the spread of the global epidemic. After about fifty years of accelerated economic growth, the Chinese community has sensed the change in the country's economic prospects and has pulled the brakes on both consumption and investments, marking the end of the accelerated race on the road to development. The picture of the speculative evolution of industrial delocalization processes sees together the interest of mega companies in reducing management costs which is congenial to the increase in the financial values of companies that increase on the Western stock exchanges. In other words, delocalization helps reduce management costs and at the same time seems to support ultra increasing financial values. In short, it plays into the hands of speculation which is certainly not the interest of global social and economic development which instead requires coordination of the territories on the road to development. With the further dilemma that the fate of the global economy may be in the hands of the Boards of Directors of mega companies and not of states and communities.​


