Efforts Towards Conflicts Mediation: How UN Policy and Geopolitics Can Influence the Processes


  • Théophile Bindeouè Nassè University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Ghana, Thomas Sankara University, Burkina Faso, Saint Thomas d’Aquin University, Burkina Faso


Conflicts, Mediation, United Nations, Policy, Geopolitics, Processes


This article aims to raise the effects of governance and ignorance in conflicts generation worldwide. The approach here is qualitative and based on a constructivist design. This conceptual research is grounded on a documentary analysis and some observations of conflictual situations in different contexts. The results show that governance when mixed with ignorance could have some negative effects such as conflictual situations. Thus, it is suggested that good governance and appropriate knowledge about both reactive diplomacy and preventive diplomacy could help towards conflicts mediation through a good leadership. This paper has an original value in revealing the link between bad governance and conflicts and by providing the implementation of some mechanisms that could help solve conflictual situations.


