Egg Freezing: Is it a Reproductive Freedom or a New Control over Women’s Reproductive Capacity?


  • Tarana Jafarova University at Albany, State University of New York


social egg freezing, reproductive justice, marketed reproduction, selective breeding, eugenics, legitimate motherhood, welfare, heteronormativity, medical control, commodification, empowerment


Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) provides various ways to achieve pregnancy when it is not possible naturally due to medical, social and other reasons. Among widely used ART, egg freezing is the newest reproductive technique that enables women to preserve their fertility for both medical and non- medical reasons. First developed in the late 1980s, egg freezing was primarily offered to women with medical conditions to maintain their fertility, but since October 2012, this technique has also been used for non-medical or social reasons after the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) removed experimental label from it (Bhatia and Campo-Engelstein 2018). Since then the fertility industry began to emerge and expand promoting egg freezing as a means for reproductive autonomy and choice using feminist language and women empowerment messages as their selling point. Many feminist scholars are doubtful about true intent of this technology, argue that this is another form of control over female bodily autonomy, reproductive capacity and reinforce patriarchal heteronormativity (Strickler 1992; Donchin1996; Harwood 2009). Using reproductive justice framework as my main analysis tool, this research project explores whether the egg freezing technique enhances reproductive choice and autonomy for all women, regardless of their socioeconomic status, gender identity, class, race, ethnicity, marital status, and disability as claimed by fertility companies or hinders achieving core values of reproductive justice and gender equality in society. To answer my research question, I did an extensive review of feminist scholarly discourse on reproductive technologies and ethics and conducted a content analysis of websites and social media of 20 major private fertility companies in the United States, looking into the core themes, visuals, and language they use in advertising egg freezing technology.


