Embodied Marks of Patriarchal Capitalism


  • Tarana Jafarova University at Albany, State University of New York


The essay talks about how neoliberal economy and globalization that enabled women to participate in the labor force to become economically independent of men, reinforced gender inequality and new hegemonic projects. produced new forms of gender segregating and exploiting conditions and environment.  Neoliberal economy does not only commodify women’s labor, bodily experience but also their basic humanist needs. The traits such as individualism approach brought in by the neoliberal economy with that removal of social policy and programs, deprives women from opportunity to exercise their basic humanist and reproductive rights, bond with their children and family, fulfill their personal and professional aspirations, claim equal pay and promotion for the same job as men, equal division of labor at work and family, combat exploitation of their sexual, economic, physical and emotional labor. Capitalism together with patriarchy reinforce oppression of women which both need to be challenged and fought. Contemporary feminism and social movements should reinforce their struggle against social injustice and gender inequality growing drastically as a result of free market economy and patriarchal system in society, address the worsened social and economic conditions of people, especially those of the most disadvantaged women and mothers, challenge the ethnic and racial supremacy, class, and sexual divide and strive to build a society where everyone fits in and fulfill the failed promises of second wave feminism, 


