Quality Education and Neglected Trained Teachers in Liberia: A Dilemma of Efficient Human Resource Development


  • Leeway Dave Karngbeae Department of Secondary Education, University of Liberia


Meteorites, Fallen Stars of the Constellation,

You once belonged to the Galaxy                                                                   

Which illuminated distant places and locations.

You once belonged to the Constellation

Which led many out of the darkness of illiteracy.

You emitted light,

Which provided the path to advanced civilization.

Yet, gravity has pulled you beneath the surface of the Earth

Professors, fallen Meteorites of the Galaxy,

You made great educators, thinkers, state, and international actors.

People upon whom society reposes its most delicate responsibility,

The education and development of its youthful population.

Your tasks were performed with honesty and marked efficiency.

You sheltered when they roved.

You fed when they hungered.

You poured when they thirsted.

Meteorites, fallen stars of the Constellation,

You energized when they fatigued.

You motivated when they shayed.

You stimulated when they withdrew

Professors, fallen stars of the Galaxy,

You rescued humanity from drowning into the state of illiteracy and ignorance.

Memories of your positive impacts remain fresh forever.

Vanishing physically does not erode your enormous contributions to humanity.

Fallen Meteorites of the Constellation, aurevoir

Fading mentors of all ages, adios.

Mothers and fathers “In loco Parentis,” obligardo.


